Private Practice Coaching & Consulting

Working full-time for yourself often seems like a far-off fantasy that is only obtainable for a select few. Many therapists struggle with establishing financial independence and view mental health as a noble line of work with little financial reward.
We were never taught how to start and maintain a business in graduate school. Our expertise is in therapy. Running a successful practice is another skill all in itself that needs to be learned. Much like therapy, it requires understanding key concepts and putting specific techniques that yield certain outcomes. Even thinking about how to be successful can be daunting for many therapists.
When people begin thinking about going into private practice as a therapist, counselor or life coach, they usually are not sure where to start or what to focus on first. Consulting with someone who has already done it and had experience in helping other therapists get their start, puts you ahead of the curve.
Is consulting for you?
Are you self-motivated and willing to put the “sweat equity” into starting a private practice?
Are there areas of starting a private practice you are unsure of or lack the knowledge for doing?
Do you have a vision of what your private practice might look like once it is up and running?
Do you enjoy getting feedback and direction?
If any of these questions strike a chord for you, then consulting with me might be a good fit for you.
Therapists often seek a private practice consultant to discuss topics such as:
• Identifying Your Ideal Clients
• Developing Policies & Procedures
• Developing Practice Forms
• Time Management & Scheduling Clients
• Client Records Management
• Creating & Working Your Marketing Plan
• Turning Consultations into Clients
• Financial Management
• Writing Your Business Plan
• When & How to Outsource
• Individual & Group Private Practice Set Up
• Online Presence (e.g., Website, Social Media)